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1 min read

Conventional resource management has had its day

Who does not know this? A project is to be put into action and people are needed to carry out the necessary tasks at the right time and in the right place. With conventional resource management, the focus was on quantity: the project manager assumed that there would be a sufficient number of employees who would achieve the desired project success. But what about the skills that each individual contributes? Do the employees have the know-how required for the respective project? Is mere membership of a specialist department sufficient to derive a competence? And are there possibly combinations of skills that are absolutely necessary but are not currently available in the company to successfully solve the task at hand?

Mann_Brille_laechelt-800x533Anyone who wants to take these skills and the countless possible skill combinations into account in resource planning is dependent on software support. It is impossible for a human being to keep track of them. Therefore, a sustainable resource management must have some kind of artificial intelligence in order to make this complexity controllable for humans with algorithms and to extend the quantitative capacity planning by the category "skills". With this knowledge, companies can counteract an expected shortage of skilled workers in good time and train their employees within the framework of strategic personnel planning in such a way that they are able to fulfill future tasks. If more employees are required, they can be recruited according to demand. In this way, over- and underchallenges are a thing of the past and it can be ensured that the right employees are always on duty!

>> Here you will find further information about Skill Management

Unser Blog bietet fundierte und praxisorientierte Inhalte rund um Projektmanagement, Ressourcenmanagement und den Einsatz von KI in Unternehmen. Unser Ziel ist es, Fachleuten und Entscheidungsträger:innen Werkzeuge, Strategien und Inspirationen an die Hand zu geben, um ihre Projekte und Ressourcen effizienter und erfolgreicher zu steuern.

Year in review 2024: Innovations, successes and new perspectives

The year 2024 was a groundbreaking one for Can Do, marked by exciting developments and impressive innovations. In this...

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