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12.04.2024  | 1 min

Skills shortage: from crisis to opportunity with artificial intelligence

The presentation 'Skills Shortage: From Crisis to Opportunity with Artificial Intelligence,' by Can Do CEO Thomas [...]
12.04.2024  | 2 min

Artificial Intelligence, Risk Management, Workforce Optimization

In a recent article from Computerwoche titled 'How AI Will Support Our Work in the Future,' the findings of the current [...]
27.04.2023  | 4 min

Resource Planning Software

"Who does what - and when? That is ultimately what project management is all about!" This quote from Can Do founder [...]
08.12.2022  | 4 min

2022 – no year like any other

Challenges everywhere you look: As a project manager, you're used to this kind of outlook - but this year could have [...]
06.01.2021  | 5 min

Holiday planning software - how to organize your holiday quickly and easily

How to keep track of your employees' holidays easily and safely with the holiday planning software.
29.12.2020  | 3 min

Project environment analysis - How to correctly collect and assess expectations

06.11.2020  | 

Strengthen customer relations through professional complaint management

Find out how you can increase the quality of service with successful complaint management and thereby strengthen [...]
06.11.2020  | 4 min

How to generate individual reports in real-time with integrated project reporting

How to generate individual reports in real-time with integrated project reporting
14.04.2018  | 

Can Do integrates JIRA and creates a win-win situation for JIRA teams and project managers

Nothing can exist without order. Nothing can emerge without chaos. - Albert Einstein