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Can Do User-Blog

Fast in Echtzeit aus der Can-Do-Entwicklung: Wir berichten über neue Features und zeigen Tricks für Anwender. Ihr könnt kommentieren und auch kritisieren – Vorschläge werden gerne angenommen!

Many projects are structured in a way that a company delivers a certain output over weeks and months (such as software development), but is only paid at the end of […]

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In a RampUp, users from new companies are gradually familiarized with the software. With the support of Can Do consultants, real data is built up and new topics are added […]

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We've added another feature to the tools for administrators. It is now possible to display specific messages at the top of all apps at a specific time. The function is […]

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Although a Can Do system is extremely secure and data loss never occurs, there are other reasons to back up an individual project. One example is project managers who want […]

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Can Do logs every change to the system in an audit-compliant history. All objects, i.e. work packages, projects, etc., have their own little logbook. This can be accessed in many […]

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A project's score represents its benefit and can be entered into our Can Do project management tool. Now, a project can also "do harm". The question is, why should you […]

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Previously, descriptions of projects, packages, or requirements in project requests could only be stored as plain, unformatted text. We have now implemented comprehensive formatting functionality for all free texts in […]

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A burn down chart shows graphically how the planned work becomes less and less towards the end of the project. At the top left is the total amount of work […]

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An undo function to undo the last actions is rare in web applications. However, since all actions are stored in a history in the Can Do solution, the information for […]

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